Monday, December 3, 2012

Is There A Sweater For My Large Breed Dog

In the past most dog sweaters have been Korte Avondjurken sold in small sizes only. The people buying them were the ones with the little fo-fo purse dogs. The larger breeds just didn't look right with a frilly dress or a knitted sweater on. Well all that is changing! There are all sorts of styles and types of fashions of large dog sweaters on the market today.

These large dog sweaters come in many different fabrics and materiels. You can chose from wool, silk, cotton, fleece and even Gore-Tex. Styles for larger dogs generally tend to be more of the outdoor functional variety. However, many companies are now offering more fashionable styles like turtle necks and even frilly dresses.

One style you might want to consider is your favorite (or your dogs favorite) sports team's jersey. Lots of NFLNBA, Hockey and even Soccer teams are offering Doggie varieties of thier jerseys. These look especially good on larger breed dogs.

You must be carefull to find the right combination of fit and fabric for your particular dog. Especially in a large dog sweater. You do not want to have the garment be to tight or else it may lead to chaffing on your dog. Also be very careful about getting something that will be to warm for you dog. He may look really cute but if he gets over heated you could affect his health.

Another thing to be carefull of especially in a large dog sweater is having too many accessories hanging off the sweater. These can catch on furniture or even tree limbs etc. and get torn off. They also may annoy your furry buddy and he might just chew them off. Not good!

My dog Barkley was way to big and macho looking for to wear a sweater around but my wife convinced me to get him one. Now he won't go anywhere without it! He's become a real fashion victim! I don't mind Trouwjurk Lange Mouw though because He looks great in his large Vintage Trouwjurk dog sweater and he feels better about himself I think.

Yes! there are large dog sweaters that are very functional and increasingly fashionable! Next time I take Barkley out to the dog park, I'm going to make sure he is looking good in his new large dog sweater!

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